Creating a Cocos2d-x v3 project with

  1. With cocos  command create a new project. You can make the project oriented portrait with –portrait , if not specified, landscape mode is the default orientation.
    $ cocos new <project_name> -l cpp -p <> -d ~/tmp [--portrait]
  2. Move to the project directory and initialize git repository
    $ git init
  3. Add files and commit as a new change
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "initial project files"
  4. Create a remote repository (
  5. Set the remote repository url
    $ git remote add origin https://<user><user>/<repo>.git
    $ git remote -v
  6. Push current change to remote repository and upstream branch
    $ git push -u origin master
  7. Add .gitignore file as: permalink
  8. Set auto-incremental build number for iOS as: permalink
  9. Set auto-incremental build number for Android as: permalink
  10. Inhibit all warnings from cocos2d as: permalink
  11. To reduce compilation time, build a fat static library of cocos2d-x: permalink