PLIST handling in cocos2d-x

In cocos2d-x, PLIST file can be more easily used than normal XML files as following:

FileUtils* util= FileUtils::getInstance();
std::string path= util->fullPathForFilename("res/test.plist");
ValueMap map= util->getValueMapFromFile(path);
for (auto element : map) {
  std::string key= element.first;
  Value value= element.second;
  switch (value.getType()) {
    case Value::Type::BOOLEAN:
      CCLOG("%s, %s", key.c_str(), value.asBool()? "true" : "false");
    case Value::Type::INTEGER:
      CCLOG("%s, %d", key.c_str(), value.asInt());
    case Value::Type::FLOAT:
      CCLOG("%s, %f", key.c_str(), value.asFloat());
    case Value::Type::DOUBLE:
      CCLOG("%s, %f", key.c_str(), value.asDouble());
    case Value::Type::STRING:
      CCLOG("%s, %s", key.c_str(), value.asString().c_str());

PLIST’s data containers are Array  and Dictionary . Array  is std::vector<Value>  and Dictionary  is std::unordered_map<std::string, Value> .

The Value types also includes VECTOR , MAP , and INT_KEY_MAP  each of which corresponds to the types of ValueVector , ValueMap , and ValueMapIntKey  and they are defined as following:

typedef std::vector<Value> ValueVector;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, Value> ValueMap;
typedef std::unordered_map<int, Value> ValueMapIntKey;

To store data in PLIST:

ValueMap map;
for (int i= 0; i < 10; i++)
  std::string key= StringUtils::format("key_%d", i);
  Value val= Value(i);
  map.insert(std::make_pair(key, val));
std::string fullpath= util->getWritablePath() + "/test.plist";
FileUtils::getInstance()->writeToFile(map, fullpath);